a devotional

When Jesus Saw their Faith…

There are certain phrases that stop me in my tracks. In Mark 2 Jesus is crowded by so many people that some men must lower their loved one through the roof above in hopes that they would see him healed by Jesus. Then it says “When Jesus saw their faith.” When Jesus saw their faith He responded by not only forgiving his sins but healing his body. Jesus responds to faith.  When Jesus sees real...

Jesus is the Door

“I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.”  Jesus in John 10:9 ESV How many other doors do we knock on looking for fulfillment? How many other doors tempt us with their decorations? There are many doors… but only one door leads to abundant and everlasting life. Jesus. Have you opened many doors only to find that they have led to...

Happy Valentines Day!

Everyone is thinking about who they love and who loves them on Valentines Day. Human love is wonderful and sweet. It lifts our spirits and encourages our hearts. It is a blessing from God! Divine love is even more wonderful. It is completely fulfilling, everlasting and true. Human love is temporary, but the love of God is from everlasting to everlasting. Jeremiah 31:3 “The LORD hath appeared to us in the past,...



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